PayProtect outside carsales network

We are aware that scammers offer "carsales PayProtect" as a payment method through other car classifieds sites. These "sellers" often state they are based at a military site in Devonport, Tasmania awaiting deployment or other remote location interstate and are unavailable for phone calls. They will likely send you a photo of a person holding a drivers license posing as the seller as well as an invoice instructing you to transfer money to a bank in Europe.

PayProtect is no longer available on our site. Anyone offering to use the PayProtect service from outside of carsales and our network of sites is not legitimate, and is definitely suspicious. 

Please contact our customer care team here if you would like to speak to us or report any suspicious behavior. We also strongly recommend reporting the ad to the site you found it on.

If you think you have seen a scam or have been scammed by a buyer or seller, you can contact the Australian Competition and Consumer Affairs Commission:

• by reporting it to scamwatch and ACORN

• by phone on 1300 302 502

• we also recommend that you sign up for the Stay Smart Online email alerts



Any information on this page is provided as a guide only. It is not professional or expert advice and is not a substitute for such advice. The content may not be appropriate, correct or sufficient for your circumstances and should not be relied on as the only reason you do or don’t do anything.
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